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Valerie Lee

In Conversation With Diamond Achiever Valerie Lee

💎 ALD Diamond Achiever September 2021 💎

⭐ In conversation with Valerie Lee on her prestigious breakthrough award.

💼 Associate Division Director


#AlexLimDivisions #TransformingLives


💭 Here’s what she has to say 



🔰 What are some of your motivations that drive you to achieve this ERA Diamond award?


My main motivations came from wanting to maintain consistency in my performance and to ensure stability for my family regardless of good or bad times.



🔰What does it take to achieve this award and what it means to you?


In times like now whereby the Nation is still struggling to come out from the effect of the pandemic, it means working extra hard by taking up more jobs and responsibilities and ensuring as close to 100% conversion as possible for every deal I am tasked to handle. 


I believe no one is immune from the effect of Covid-19. As such, I felt a stronger need for myself to add value to my clients, my teammates, my leaders, and ERA in every way I am involved with. 


To This end, I am glad to say that I have done my very best and I hope I have not let anyone down.



🔰Where were your closings? What were the challenges faced and how did you overcome them?


My closings came from project sales, project tagging, and resale transactions. The main challenges I had to face in September were time management and stress management. 


My commitment towards my clients and teammates whom I was tagging at projects was stretching me in all directions. In addition to that, I was divided between work and family commitments. 


It was really helpful to have a good working relationship with clients and teammates. Their patience, understanding, support, and trust went a long way for me.



🔰How does ERA, Preeminent Group, and ALD make a difference?


I am really grateful to be working in ERA - an agency that never stops looking after its agents. I consider myself blessed to be a part of the Preeminent Group which has a strong culture to share and value-adds its agents. 


And I truly count my blessings to be in the ALD Dream Team whereby we enjoy positive vibes within the team and our leaders constantly up our skills and knowledge to ensure that we are equipped and ready to face every challenge that comes our way!



🔰Is there anyone whom you wish to show your appreciation to?


I wish to thank all my clients, referrals, and ERA teammates who constantly supported my business. They are fundamental to me maintaining consistency in this competitive trade.


I also want to thank everyone from Normanton Park leadership team and ERA Marketing team for your awesome teamwork and friendship. Last but not least, I must thank AGDD Alex Lim for his leadership, hard work + heartwork, inspiration, and encouragement for me to excellence and exceed my limits. 



🔰Do you have any tips or advice to inspire fellow realtors?


Regardless of what's going on around you, maintain your pace, charge forward, don't look back. Stay focused!




(A division of Preeminent Group, 7X Consecutive Champion Group In ERA)


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